"Definition of neofascism: a political movement arising in Europe after World War II and characterized by policies designed to incorporate the basic principles of fascism (as nationalism and opposition to democracy) into existing political systems."
Hope ya'll made it through the storms here. "Every morning I open up the news to see what that asshole (Trump) fucked up today", one man said to my husband. As most of us know, the list is endless and frightening, despicable. The question is, can he and his neo-fascist team be stopped? I am sure the best minds of the experts, the attorneys, the reporters, the writers, the intelligentsia, the academics, the activists are working overtime around the clock to curtail his rampages against people and the environment. If he can be stopped entirely is another question, but I smell fire.
When we came home last night, Democracy Now ! was jammed, it is coming up now. For all the latest reports, interviews and videos regarding the mad kingdom of Washington, D.C. go here (available in espanol just hit the button on the top right of the page):
I'll be back with the latest stats on the executions here, the numbers are mounting throughout Baja California....also last Sunday's anti-government demonstrations in Tijuana which culminated in a small riot and border closures....just have had my hands full with little Paris-Simone. Early yesterday morning when we left to go up to the States we passed a yellow taped police line on the Scenic Highway, just before the think tank (Colegio de Frontera); two squad cars at the scene no forensics - this was fresh. Mike said: "That is no car accident, that is a crime scene." Later we found out, yes it was a crime scene, two women's bodies dumped on the side of the road, executed...and two more bodies dumped on the state highway in La Bufadora area.
Also, may re-open comments to get your input on the Trump Wall and neo-fascism and potential animosity towards gringos. Doesn't look good for the gringo real estate buffoons, does it ?
Update and a message from Paris-Simone:
Paris-Simone says: "I know I may seem to look like a precious, sweet and innocent little baby puppy, but Trump is on my shit list, grrrrrr ! I have razor sharp teeth ! BTW, I'm into Rockabilly now and driving my Mom nuts. Later dudes."